by Donna Brown | Mar 1, 2015 | Marketing
I know LOTS of VAs that struggle to find a niche that they want to concentrate their energies on simply because they have so many varied skills (how can you pick one thing)? So instead, lets concentrate on your market first. Remember this process is to enhance your...
by Donna Brown | Jan 15, 2015 | Marketing, Pricing
If you’re selling yourself as a generalist then you will never make good money. For generalists are easily replaced…. there are hundreds of people who specialise in the basics. What you want is for clients to want to work with the experts. Experts make the...
by Donna Brown | Jan 15, 2015 | Marketing
Virtual Assistants AND Health and Wellness Practitioners notoriously try and help everyone and in turn end up helping nearly no-one. They think if they try and market to everyone they will have more market share BUT it actually works against them. . Are you...
by Donna Brown | Jan 14, 2015 | Marketing
In my plight to help Virtual Assistants becoming 6 figure business owners (aka 100KVA) I had to identify the marketing fails that were all too common so I could help them to STOP. Here is what I have I identified Hands up if you have done these in the past! It’s...
by Donna Brown | Jul 15, 2014 | Marketing
So…. in 10 years I have realised that many people have trouble with the act of niching down in their business and clarifying their target market. It’s usually stemming from a fear of missing out. Here is a cool way to think about the importance of niching...
by Donna Brown | Jul 11, 2013 | Marketing, Mindset
You all know how much I love recommending live networking for all of my clients – particularly if you’re newer or not as established. It’s by far the QUICKEST way you will find clients! Especially if you introduce yourself and what you do with my...