Build As If You Will Sell

We often start things haphazardly – particularly if we’re not sure of the path we’re going to take. But once you decide that your business is here to stay for at least a year it’s time to take the path of building your business as if you were...

Stress Free Holidays, Starts Now!

Hey Practitioners and Virtual Assistants! I am writing this in March of 2015 BUT this will be applicable all the time 🙂 I’ve said this many times but I will say it again! Clients LOVE working with people who are confident and in control. It makes them feel safe....

What’s Your Clients Bruise?

So…. in 10 years I have realised that many people have trouble with the act of niching down in their business and clarifying their target market. It’s usually stemming from a fear of missing out. Here is a cool way to think about the importance of niching...