One of the awesome things about being a Virtual Assistant is that our d100KVA Blueprint eWorkshays are so varied. We can easily integrate life and work and mix it up – working for short bursts over the day to suit our schedule.
As awesome as it is – let’s be honest, our days are crazy. If you have kids – then they are even crazier.
When you’re rushing around from the minute you wake to the minute you go to sleep with client work, doing your own books, trying to generate more leads (such as attending networking events) PLUS house chores such as the dishes, kids school run and everything in between – you might be wondering how you can possibly making $100,000 as some virtual assistants when you literally have no time to even put make up on.
So today I thought I would share with you the schedule of a Master Virtual Assistant.
Somene who adopts the 100KVA businses model working part time hours in their business.
Obviously this isn’t going to be the same for everyone (especialy as we’re all at different stages of the 100KA journey) but this gives you a good idea of what might be a different approach to your current business model.
First I need to go through a few points so their schedule makes sense to you.
The 100KVA Model approves recurring package clients only. We design our businseses so that our “hourly rate” (if you were going to work it out) – is $100+. Clients don’t pay an hourly rate though, they pay a set recurring package fee.
We design funnels and packages that give potential clients the opportunty to learn more about the services that Virtual Assistant is an expert in and streamline everything as much as possible.
So that being said a daily schedule of a Master VA would include:
1 Hour of Content Creation
2 Hours of Client Work (or delegation & management)
Per Day.
That’s it!
Throughout the week I’d say on average they are having 3-4 sales conversations with potential leads (which are super fun opportunities to help people).
Obviously there are peaks and troughs – meaning some weeks there might be more client work for example and others will be empty (whilst still being paid).
Yes it can be that simple.
Yes I encourage all Masters to concentrate on content creation, sales conversations and managing the implementation of the strategy that was designed (whether it be them doing it themselves or managing a team who are implementing it).
Is it an easy journey to get to this point – yes and no. I mean if you follow the instructions it will happen. The speed depends on you and yes you have to do the work. So no it’s not going to fall into your lap without the work, but the method once you get over your fear is really really fun.
Is it worth it – absolutely !!!
The point of this post was to show you that there are OTHER ways of running a VA business. Ways that you might not have realised before……
If you like what you saw and read then I encourage you to get a copy of my 100KVA Blueprint eWorkshop which includes a FREE mentoring session from me. Watch the training, learn the model and let me help you get started.
Talk soon