Today I Cried
Today I Cried I am not writing this post for sympathy….to get offers of help or a hug. I am writing this post to show people that yes even I who seems all perky and crazy have poo days. Today I saw on Facebook a video of a lady who gave birth in the car on way to the...
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How I Manage My Diary With A Business & Newborn Baby
Well Heidi is now 3 weeks old so I thought I would give an update on how life is with my paper diary I bought a few weeks ago and mention in this episode here. Yes it seems strange to have a paper diary whilst running an online business but I do mention my intention...
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Top 3 Tips Things You Can Do For Your Online Business When The Internet Is Down
You know that feeling when the internet is down and LIFE CEASES TO EXIST!!! Yeah that happened to me, and when you run an online business its uber annoying! So this is what I think you should do if the internet is down! Tip number one is particularly important if you...
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2 Quick Tips To Help This New Mama
Its all about the little things.....little ways you can save 5min here, 5min there so your days (and nights feel smoother). So you feel more in control. At night its to be as efficient as possible so you can get the MAXIMUM amount of sleep possible! This ensures I can...
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How Are Your Competitors Better Than You?
We all have that competitor that is going better than us..... so how can we use this to our advantage? Whether you try to or not there has likely been a time when you felt smug when you saw your competitor do something that wasn't up to scratch..a mistake or perhaps a...
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Why I Am Not Obsessed With My Newborn
I was in two minds about recording this video.....I thought it might generate a bit of judgement from other mums. But then I thought about how positive the response was to my unhappy birth experience as it resonated with so many others I felt compelled to share this...
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One Week Postpartum Update
Its been 7 days since Heidi joined our world and the business! In this time I have definitely set up some resemblance of a loose routine and have still been participating in the business. Some say its crazy given how short of a period has passed since I had major...
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Blueberry is Here! My Birth Story of Heidi
Some first footage I got of just before Heidi's birth, and a niiiiccceee long post below it outlining my journey 🙂 . What an epic tale. A tale where NOTHING went right (and for those of you who know me, know how MUCH that would affect my state of mind). I promised...
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The Worst & The Best Case Scenario…Decision Making Tip!
Every day we're given opportunities to try new things, grow our businesses, get new clients and so forth. All of these opportunities can be very overwhelming as we try and navigate whether we are ready for them. Will the fear of failure stop us from trying? Here are...
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Its Your Fault If Clients Don’t Hire You Based On Your Location
Another great example of home based business owners forgetting that they are running a GLOBAL business is trying to only find local clients. With the technology available to us why concentrate ONLY on local clients. That's just crazy talk! So what happens if clients...
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