What Does Success Look Like In YOUR Business?
I've been pondering this question for a while now but with two recent separate events in my personal life that made me appear to be very harsh on the success wagon, I feel compelled to talk about it today! . So tell me are you aiming too high or two low or just...
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My Top 3 Tips To Finding Clients From Home
Every day I get asked about the best directories and places to find clients as a home based business. Sure you can go down the directory path, but at the end of the day its likely not going to be where you find your A grade awesome clients. There is simply too much...
read moreWho would you rather be: Apple or Target?….Why You Shouldn’t Be A One Stop Shop!
A common question I receive from my mentoring clients is how to go about branding themselves and growing their clinic or practice into a one stop shop. Where clients can come and get everything completed with them. I always say - don't! Don't become a department store...
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You’re Not As Original As You Think!
So many people are pulling out the "SHE COPIED ME" card lately that I felt compelled to do this vlog! The thing I went and had a squiz at the 'original' content creator and realised....sweety, its not that original.... See what I mean here! . Soooo having you been...
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How To Attract More Clients
After doing some online training with my mentoring clients I thought this little snippet of a bigger program might be valuable to the greater community about attracting more clients. . (If you're looking for my video about client bruises, you can watch it here) Do you...
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Clients Can Go On Trial To!
Recently I was talking to a client of mine who was interested in getting more clients BUT her latest lead was from someone who she wasn't sure was going to work out and whether she would be too much effort in the long run. In other words, not worth the income. So here...
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What Are The Deal Breakers In My Virtual Assistant Business?
When you have been working for someone else for many years it can be really hard to get out of the employee mindset and into the business owner one. For many years you are used to being told what to do even if you don't particularly like it. So when you start your own...
read moreWhy Saving Time Is The WRONG Benefit In Your Marketing Plan
'Saving time' is not a bad thing....its just the wrong wording! I think its great as service providers we do save our clients a ton of time, BUT its not the benefit that we want people to buy you on. Because if they buy you around time benefits then they are missing...
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Marketing In Your Own Flavour
I get asked all the time, where do you get your content ideas from? At the end of the day it's YOU that inspire me with content. With your questions, with your actions, with my mentoring sessions - everything that happens around me inspires me with new and interesting...
read moreStop Hiding Behind Your Screen
"YAY I am working from home, so now I can laze around behind the computer and wait for work to fall in my lap....." said LOTS of new Virtual Assistants and online business owners who are embarking on a new journey 🙂 NEWSFLASH People Buy People Not Brands...
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