Why Complaining On Facebook Is Bad For Business…And How To Turn It Around
We all have that friend (or sometimes its multiple friends) that use Facebook as their diary to bitch, complain, moan and groan. Now add to the mix the fact that they are also a BUSINESS owner! What do you think is going to happen when potential clients or existing...
read moreBuild As If You Will Sell
We often start things haphazardly - particularly if we're not sure of the path we're going to take. But once you decide that your business is here to stay for at least a year it's time to take the path of building your business as if you were going to sell it. . So,...
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Why You SHOULD Get Distracted In Your Home Based Business
Hands up if you're running your own business but you still feel trapped as if you were in a traditional job? You're sick of being told what to do, when to do it. Clients treating you like employees and still working 9am to 5pm, 5 days a week (OR MORE) just like a...
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Why I Never Track My Time As A Virtual Assistant… And You Shouldn’t Either!
I've been working in the Virtual Assistant industry for 10 years now and over that time I've moved away from a traditional VA business to a thriving six figure business. I have learned a lot AND I have made many mistakes that I am grateful for as it's taken me...
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How Do I Package Up My Existing Service Offering?
When ever I talk about packaging your Virtual Assistant services, people always get stuck. They try and stick a ball into a square hole. Newsflash! It's not going to work 🙂 . Are you going to be part of the revolution?
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Packages vs Retainers in your Virtual Assistant Business
Rule Number 1: Retainers are not packages. Rule number 2: In order to become six figure Virtual Assistant business owner, you need to move to packages NOT retainers. Rule number 3: Refer to rules number 1 and 2! Hahah but it all seriousness, check out my video below...
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How To Avoid Feast vs Famine In Your Virtual Assistant Business
Its time to set the scene. You're having a lull in your Virtual Assistant business. So you get out there and network like crazy. You market your services, you hang out on social media, ask for referrals and basically do EVERYTHING you can to get more clients. Then you...
read moreStress Free Holidays, Starts Now!
Hey Practitioners and Virtual Assistants! I am writing this in March of 2015 BUT this will be applicable all the time 🙂 I've said this many times but I will say it again! Clients LOVE working with people who are confident and in control. It makes them feel safe. Safe...
read moreAre You Waiting For People To Knock On Your Door?
Sometimes I think Virtual Assistants although appear to be running a "virtual business" don't treat their lead generation strategies as a true virtual business. They behave like a service based bricks and mortar business such as an optometrist or even a panel beating...
read moreThe Business Model Virtual Assistants Will Need to Become a Six Figure Business
Hi Everyone! Are you sitting there thinking that you're already CRAZY busy with work. You have no hours left AND you have no capacity to take on more clients so there is no freaking way you can possibly become a 100KVA as where would you find the time to service all...
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